Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Preparations for the Sital Sasti festival have begun

Sambalpur: In Sambalpur’s 450-year-old Sital Sasti history, there was no exception to the two-year-old procession due to corona. In 2020 and 2021, Shiva’s wedding was held without a procession. However, this time around, all travel committees are working hard to make the Sital Sasti Jatra a success. Preparations for the Sital Sasti, which is considered to be the largest cultural procession in the world, are nearing completion.

The Jatra was announced at a press conference on Sunday by the Sital Sasti Jatra Coordinating Committee, comprising three ancient Jatra committees in Sambalpur. Sushant Purohit, president of the Coordinating Committee, said the district administration, Sambalpur police and the metropolitan corporation were cooperating for the Jatra. But promises from the government have not been forthcoming.

Jagdish Panda, chairman of the Mudipada Sital Sasti Jatra Committee, said in a meeting chaired by Amulya Mishra, executive president, that this time Jageshwar Baba’s procession would involve 2,500 artists and cost around Rs 35 lakh. Prashant Barei Bang Barad, chairman of the Nandapada Sital Sasti Jatra Committee, spoke about Balangeshwar Baba, a silver crown made of Rs 1.5 crore. The trip will have a budget of Rs 30 lakh to Rs 35 lakh and will be attended by 1,500 artists. Saroj Dalpat, chairman of the Jhaduapada Winter Travel Committee, said the 1,800 artists had gathered and spent Rs 35 lakh.

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