Sambalpur: Private Medicine Store in Sambalpur District Head Quarter Hospital Given 15 Days’ Notice for Closure

Sambalpur: The health department has taken an aggressive approach against private medicine stores opened on the premises of government hospitals in the state. The department has been asked to see to it that the lease period of the stores which are already operational is not extended and new stores are not opened.
On the 22nd, State Health Secretary Shalini Pandit and the chairman of Burla Vimsar sent a letter to the CDMOs of Sambalpur, Bhadrak, Cuttack, Dhenkanal, Ganjam, Jagatsinghpur, Kendrapada, Keonjhar, and Sundargarh, respectively. It is said that this decision has been taken as the state administration took this decision to provide 24-hour service for medicines through Drug Distribution Centers (DDCs) in all government hospitals. To counter it some businesses that opened a medicine store on the premises of the government hospital are seeking a stay order from the High Court.
However many shopkeepers continue to do business even though they do not have the High Court’s jurisdiction. The department has prepared a list of them. As a result, the CDMO will answer within the next 3 days as to why such a medicine store has been opened on the premises of the government medical college and government hospital. In addition, it has been asked to immediately cancel the contract of the shopkeepers who are selling medicines illegally and take steps to evict the shopkeepers.
Although this order has been passed for 15 days home medicine shops are still open in Sambalpur District Head Quarter Hospital. On the one hand, the government provides medicines for free at the Niramaya Jan Oushadhi Center. A home medicine shop may be seen on the right side of Niramaya. Some people innocently go to the store, buy drugs, and spend. Not only in the district hospital of Sambalpur district but also in many other hospitals in the district, even though the High Court does not have a stay order, they continue to operate.
CDMO Dr. Sujatarani Mishra stated that after receiving the letter, notices were given to all private medication stores on hospital premises throughout the district. The store has been given 15 days to vacate. Action will be taken based on the state health department’s orders Dr. Mishra added.