Sambalpur: Ragging again in Vssut! 3 students were brutally beaten

At the Vir Surendra Sai Technical University (Vssut) in Burla, junior students have once again being ragged by senior students. The students, who were victims of the ragging, also lodged a complaint with the Warden of the hostel. Meanwhile, when the parents of the students arrived in Sambalpur, they were reported to have lodged a complaint with the Chancellor on Monday. Warden of the University was notified of the incident. But that may have been something other than raging warden said it would be investigated Monday. According to reports, the university Kratuh is hostel of second-year students, while Atri is hostel of third-year student. Three second-year students were called last night by some third-year students. The students were immediately ordered to attend the Atri Hostel. At the behest of the senior students, the three students went to Atri Hostel. There, the three students were bent over by senior students and verbally abused. The junior students also beat them severely in protest. The parents of one of the students complained that the mobile phone was also hacked after deleting their mobile data so that the students could not complain immediately. The students returned to their hostels after the incident. The students were informed by phone that the hostel warden was also absent in the morning. Students’ parents have also arrived in Sambalpur after learning of the incident. It is learned that a formal complaint will be lodged on Monday, while they have not been able to meet with the Chancellor to discuss the incident on Sunday. Last year, there was a ban on ragging in Vssut. In almost all ragging cases, the authorities have taken a tough strict action. However, it is not possible to remove this mentality from the student’s mind. On the other hand, two hostel students were involved in the incident on Saturday night as such, the case has become a matter of concern to the authorities.