Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Robbery in Broad Daylight, Snatch half gold chain from woman’s neck

Sambalpur: Sambalpur city has become the hub of criminals. We are not saying this, people are saying this after seeing the looting, snatching and theft happening in the city. Women are afraid to wear jewellery while leaving the house. Two miscreants stole a gold chain from another woman from Dhanupali police station area on Tuesday and fled away. According to the police information, Rita Sahu of Dhanupali police station Mahabirpada was unwell, so she took a scooter and went to the district headquarter hospital. On his way back to the doctor, 2 miscreants on a black bike tried to pull the gold chain from her neck near Charvati Street. However, the chain was torn in half. The miscreants grabbed half the chain and ran away. Although the woman chased the miscreants, they were nowhere to be found near Jail Street. After filing a written complaint at the Dhanupali police station, the police have registered a case and started investigating the incident.

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