Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Robbery of Mobiles of Three people from Cheruapada Area

Sambalpur: Thefts and Robberies are increasing in the Cheruapada area. Most of the looting is taking place on the way from Fatak gate to Khetrajpur railway station. For the past few months, there have been robberies and knife stabbings occurred at night. For this, the police were deployed there from night to 4 a.m. At this time the looting stopped. But today’s looters have taken a different track. The police are robbing commuters coming and going for the train from dawn when police finish their duty. They are not only robbing but often stabbing and threatening with fake guns.

Two people’s mobiles were looted from the town police station area today. While Ayodhya Prasad sitting near a school in Housing Board Colony in the afternoon, a man named Niranjan Pradhan came to him and asked for his mobile phone. As he refused to give, he threatened to kill him. His left hand was attacked while he was protesting. The palm was cut.

A young man from Gujarati Colony was going to the railway station early in the morning. Meanwhile, two men on the way caught her and robbed her Mobile with a knife.

In addition, when a person named Hrushikesh Sahu was coming from khetrajpur station, 6 people came in an auto and took the mobile phone with a knife. He chased them but the culprits beat him. After receiving a written complaint, the police registered a case and are investigating the incident.

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