Sambalpur: Darshan of Maa Samaleswari in Rajarajeswari Besha and New Dhwaja hoisting, Theft from devotee’s car

Sambalpur: On the occasion of Dasara Purnima, Maa Samaleswari appeared to devotees in the form of Rajarajeswari. Maa Samlei, who is in dhabaleswari besha in Mahalaya, appears before the devotees in the form of Rajarajeshwari on Kumar Purnima, the last appearance of the festive season. It is also called mother’s maharani or rajarani besha. Adi Shakti Mother Sameleswari’s most beautiful Bhuvan Mohini form is Rajarajeshwari Besh. This form is unique.
On the occasion of Kumar Purnima Sunday, a new Dhwaja-hoisting ceremony was held at the temple of Mother Samaleswari. After worshiping the New flag, the flag was taken up with 2 rounds of circumambulation. 7 lamps were also lighted on the temple. At around 8:45 PM, Sebayat tied the new flag at the top of the temple. Due to the covid-19 for two years, there was a huge crowd of devotees in the temple yard to watch the Dhwaja hoisting ceremony this year.
Miscreants break glass and steal from devotee’s car

Sambalpur: The city of Sambalpur is known all over the world for Maa Samaleswari. Devotees from all over the country come to Sambalpur to have Maa’s darshan. It is normal for devotees to line up cars near Maa’s temple every day. In view of the safety of the devotees, there is also a policestation in the temple yard of Maa Samaleswari. Police are also deployed in the parking area. Sambalpur city has gradually become a stronghold of criminals due to incompetent police. Stabs, thefts, and robberies have become routine for city dwellers.
On Saturday, some miscreants broke the glass of a devotee’s car, who had come from 240 km Nayagarh to have Maa’s darshan and stole gold jewellery, a mobile phone, and money. Even though there is a police force in the parking area, there is a lot of talk about the car windows of the devotees who came for darshan being broken and stolen. Due to the ineffective police, Sambalpur city has become vulnerable to devotees coming from outside the district. It is worth noting that Rakesh Kumar Sahu of Nayagarh came to Sambalpur on Saturday for the darshan of Mother Samaleswari. He parked his car near Samaleswari temple and went to see Maa Samlei at 10:30 am. At 11:40 a.m. when he returned from Darshan, he found that someone had broken the window of his car. The vanity bag was robbed in which there was a gold ring, gold earrings, 2 thousand rupees in cash and a mobile phone. After Rakesh lodged a written complaint at the Khetrajpur police station, the police registered a case and started investigating the incident.