Sambalpur: ‘Sambalpur Police’ app has been inactive for years, forget about the 5-T Technology

Sambalpur: The crime rate has skyrocketed in Sambalpur city. While the Sambalpur police is failing to prevent crime, it has succeeded in arresting the criminals in some cases. But it will not be wrong to say that the Sambalpur police hand is empty all year long, whether it is the case of looting or cyber fraud by criminals from outside the state. There are many ways to reach the police station in easy way that is the Sambalpur police App. Billions of rupees are also being spent. But due to the irresponsibility of some officials, the systems are now inactive. An app was launched by the Sambalpur Police to facilitate communication between the Sambalpur Police and the people. Whose name is “Sambalpur Police”. This app is available on Google Play Store. But this has been inactive for eight years. The police department is under 5T and each of these 5T has a “T” called technology. But it would not be wrong to say that the technology is beyond the reach of a well-equipped police force. Sambalpur Police App being inactive for years proves this. The app is now completely disabled. No app is being opened, on the other hand, instead of 100, 112 have to be dial for emergency police services, the DG of Police, himself gave the information.
While opening Sambalpur Police App 100 is displaying which is not being changed. The app contained the numbers of top officials, including senior Police officials. Clicking on Important Contact Number, Police Station List, Senior Citizen, Women-Child Care, Special Unit, Fire & Medical and Traffic icon shows that the twitter page is not available. Due to which the people who have downloaded the update are not able to take advantage of it.