Sambalpur: Health Center Services have deteriorated, The Doctors did not come regularly
Urban Health Services are in Signboard Only

Sambalpur: Who does not know the Dr. Janardan Pujari Matru Mangal Center in Sambalpur city? Many people are connected with this center. Because many deliveries have been done in this center, this center tells the history of Sambalpur health care, but with the change of time, the image of this Matru mangal center has also changed.
Now urban health centers and hospitals are functioning there. But there is only one health center and patients are not getting proper medical facilities. As regular doctors are not coming, the patients are returning in distress. Since then, many obstetric services and treatments have been available at this maternity center. Its management responsibility was in the hands of the Sambalpur municipality, after Sambalpur became a metropolis, the responsibility was also in the hands of the SMC. Steps were taken to improve it at various stages but from last year 2015, Matrumangal Center remained only as a sign board. For some years, obstetric deliveries were also done. Gradually, that process was stopped. When the OPD is open for three hours in the evening, the regular doctor is not there, so a patient gets frustrated when he goes for treatment. A Medical Officer has been appointed. He is a regular doctor. It is said to be permanent but often absent.
Similarly, obstetricians and gynecologists, neurologists, dentists, and physiotherapists come on different days, some are coming for two days and some are coming only for one day because they are appointed on a part-time basis. On the other hand, a resident said a pharmacist appointed by the SMC wing of the hospital and a pharmacist appointed by NHM. He said that it would not be an exaggeration to say that the hospital is running on the hope that staff nurses, health workers, and doctors are not coming regularly. In addition to this, if an obstetrician and gynecologist were appointed in the hospital, many obstetricians could have benefited as before. Apart from all this, the sanitary rules in the hospital are also not working properly. Various machines are inactive. As a result, despite having such a health center, the residents of the city are not able to get proper health care services. The rest are part-time. He said that steps will be taken in the direction of complaints about non-regularity.