Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Sita Pradhan of Sybernir village in Redhakhol block has became self-reliant by cultivating mushrooms & became an example for others

Redhakhol: Sita Pradhan of Sybernir village in Redhakhol block of Sambalpur district has become a self-employed farmer and has set an example for others. He started farming in his village and earns about 20 thousand rupees and is supporting her family.

Sita, who was unmarried, was at first devastated after losing her parents less than five years ago. Later, Sita became a member of the women’s self-help group in the village. Joined the spice production group. There are 21 members in this group, all of whom have been given training in Mushroom Cultivation from the block. After her training, Sita started farming on her own. Without taking any kind of loan, she borrowed some of his savings and money from his relatives and started farming.

Sita says that in the beginning, she was earning two to three thousand rupees a month, but now she is earning about twenty thousand rupees a month. Sita’s brothers and sisters are 4 members of the family. But Sita is the only earner. While the two brothers live in the village, they also help Sita in farming. She also goes from village to village to advise women to be self-reliant. Informs people about various state government schemes, especially for women. Sita helps especially the helpless women in various fields. Interested women are also trained in spice farming.

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