Sambalpur: SMC Sleeps after Election; City’s Streets Overrun with Garbage

Sambalpur: Following the elections, the Sambalpur Municipal Corporation (SMC) has once again fallen into a state of inactivity. The organization, which was previously working vigorously for cleanliness, now appears to have halted its efforts. Garbage is neither being collected from the streets nor households. There are piles of trash everywhere. Areas such as Gopalmal, in front of the fire station, Mudipada, Budharaja, Jagannath Colony, New Bank Colony, and Sakshipada area are particularly affected.
Despite complaints, there has been no action to remove the garbage. There are allegations that the contracting organization, which is receiving significant funds, is simply sitting idle. The rules mandate that garbage should be collected twice from the streets. After collection, it should be taken to the MRF center. This helps reduce waste and control pollution. However, currently, the garbage is neither being collected nor incinerated, leading to increased pollution levels and public dissatisfaction.
According to complaints, the contracting organization and the officials have a mutual understanding that allows the city to remain filled with garbage. Instead of employing the necessary number of workers, the contractor is working with a very minimal workforce. As a result, proper cleaning is not taking place in all areas. There are also allegations that only a few people are employed, and their names are used for biometric attendance to steal money.
According to a ward officer, due to the close relationship between the contracting organization and senior officials, they do not listen to us. They do not even answer our calls. We have raised this issue three times in the SSC meeting, but there has been no result. If they do not listen to us, who will listen to the common people? There has been no response from the Sambalpur Municipal Corporation regarding this matter.