Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: St. Arnolds School, Bareipali has been accused of displaying misleading information from Ramayana, complaint has been lodged at the police station

Sambalpur: The St. Arnolds private school of Bareipali has been accused of displaying misleading information from Ramayana. In this regard, a written complaint has been filed in Sambalpur Bareipali police station by the Vishwa Hindu Council.

According to the complaint, a function was organized on Wednesday at the private school under Bareipali police station. On that occasion, the Ramayana, the holy book of Hinduism was wrongly presented. A wrong story is also added to it. A modern dance was also performed while obscenities were used about Mother Sita. The video of which is now going viral. Reactions to the video have also been expressed in various quarters. Even when the play was going on, someone from the audience shouted, causing chaos, according to reliable sources. Demand to arrest all the members of the school management committee, principal along with the writer and director of the drama.

On the other hand, the Bareipali police said that an investigation is being done. On the other hand, after the backlash, some school officials have apologized to the public.

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