Sambalpur: The Disorder Situation in the new Rajghat

Sambalpur: The Rajghat in Kamalibazaar has been shifted to Mandalia for the Samlei project. The new cemetery, built in a modern and elegant style, is named Rajghat to evoke the memory of the old. There are 18 cremation facilities and other nice arrangements, but the upper ventilation roof built in the cremation place is not properly constructed, so the smoke cannot escape properly. With an extra small roof over the roof and more gaps between the two, the smoke could have escaped properly Secondly, the burn area is not wide.
Since the four surrounding pillars are close to each other, carrying the dead body seven times is hindered. It is becoming difficult even for the fire starter to move around and finally light the fire in the back. Forced to use a long rod. On the other hand, there is a problem with burning because of the large wooden barrels placed in the Rajghat area. People are forced to buy wood from outside. While 400 rupees per quintal of wood is available in Rajghat, people have to buy it from outside at the price of 600 rupees History researcher and senior journalist Deepak Panda said that if more people with operational knowledge and experience in fire fighting were involved during the planning process, the construction would have been different. He expressed the opinion that the Metropolitan Corporation should take necessary steps in view of the problems of the people.