Sambalpur : The girl rescued from Rengali borewell was named (Bijayeeni) and followed 21st Day rituals (Ekoisia) by Dr. Ramchandani & team of Vimsar.

Sambalpur: As the girl rescued from the borewell won the battle of life today, the Vimsar girl was named Bijayeeni in the hospital premises. The tireless efforts of the doctors, nursing staff, and above all the blessings of the Lord Jagannath, are beginning to heal. Kuni Bijayeeni of Rengali, who had been thrown into the borewell, is now in the hands of Dr. Ramchandani.
As the saying goes, for those for whom there is no one, there is God. One day his parents threw him into a dark borewell. The child of that day, she today is the darling of everyone in Burla Vimsar. As the new year marks 21 days since the rescue of the newborn baby girl from an abandoned borewell near Rengali, Sambalpur, the girl’s 21st Day rituals (Ekoisia) have been celebrated at SNCU, Vimsar.