Sambalpur: The grid cheated again, half of the city of Sambalpur in the dark

Sambalpur: The power supply has been cut off due to light rain. This has been the case since Tata Power took over power supply in western Odisha. While the company says the service delivery is better than ever and the priority is to provide better services but that’s not the case. The power supply was cut off from the Putibandh grid immediately after it started raining at 8pm yesterday. This was due to a problem with the grid. It took about six hours to repair and restore power. In the name of repairs, maintenance, etc.. Tata Power has been shutting down power distribution day by day. Despite this, there were problems with the grid again.
Half of the Putibandha grid is connected to the city of Sambalpur and the surrounding village area. However, there are more problems with the putibandha grid than the other grids. There has been intense dissatisfaction among power consumers over this. A senior lawyer and former district BJD president, Dr. Pramod Rath has expressed his displeasure over Tata power’s move. “If Tata Power does not improve its services, it will not be tolerated in the future,” he said.