Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: The post of SDA chairman remains vacant, despite ignoring the Sambalpur leaders for the position of chairman and advisor

Sambalpur: Lately, the state government has appointed party politicians in the positions of advisors, chairpersons etc. of various corporations and departments. While several leaders of some districts have been accommodated by the BJD, the leaders of Sambalpur have been ignored. Even, no one has been appointed to the post of Chairman of Sambalpur Development Authority and the post is still pending.

When there was a BJP-BJD coalition government in the state, the post of SDA chairman went to BJP. Jaybrata Dey became the SDA chairman. However, after the collapse of the coalition government, Jaybrata Dey SDA resigned as chairman. After the post was vacant for several months, former BJD district president Vijay Mohanty got the post of SDA chairman. After the last assembly election in 2014, Mr. Mohanty resigned from his post due to moral reasons. On the day of his resignation, the Chief Minister appointed him as the chairman of SDA. A few months after the 2019 assembly elections, Mr. Mohanty again resigned from his post. The post of SDA chairman has been vacant since last October 2019. After the elections, the state government accommodated politicians in various corporations and other government bodies. However, did not take any decision on the post of SDA Chairman.

During the reshuffle of his cabinet, the Chief Minister asked for the resignation of the ministers along with all the chairman and advisors. Yesterday, many leaders have been assigned as chairman of various corporations and advisors of departments. There is no name of any politician from the Sambalpur district in this list. Leaders of other parties joined the BJD before and during the elections. Along with them, some other leaders who did not get party positions were also hopeful for these positions. They were ignored by some. However, no one was appointed to the post of SDA chairman.

Meanwhile, there are many leaders and retired officers in the race for the post of SDA chairman. However, there is a lot of talk in the political circles about the names of former chairman Vijay Mohanty’s son youth Politician Sanjit Mohanty and BJD spokesperson Sanjay Babu. As there is no mentor in SDA, the development work has been hampered. Prabhas Dansana, who is the secretary of SDA, is now serving as Sadar Upazilapal, so he is not able to devote full time to SDA. In this situation, various projects have been stopped.

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