Sambalpur: The Priest of Maa Samaleswari will put up an identity card in the premises of Temple

Sambalpur: Mother Samaleswari’s worshiper will put up identity cards in the temple premises so that even devotees from outside region can know who the real worshipers are. Earlier on behalf of the Temple Trust Board the identity card was issued all the worshipers gathered around the temple wearing it on Thursday night. During this, Basantik Jagar, lighting lamps also discussed. Chief priest Ambika Roy has informed that the lighting of the Basandika Navratra lamp will start from the 2nd of next month.
He said devotees were previously barred from seeing the lamp due to the corona. But this time on the day of the beginning of the lamp lighting and the day of the immersion, devotees can go to the lamp house and see the lamp. Mr. Ray informed that the visit time to the mother will remain unchanged from 6 am to 11:30 am and from 1 am to 7:30 pm.