Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: The State Culture Department has sanctioned Rs. 15 lakh grant to the 3 ancient Committees for the upcoming Sital Sasti Jatra

Sambalpur: The State Culture Department has sanctioned a total of Rs 15 lakh grant to the three ancient Jatra Committees for the upcoming Sital Sasti. The Sital Sasti Yatra Coordinating Committee consisting of three old committees Nandpada, Jharduapada and Modipada has been sanctioned 15 lakh rupees last year while the culture department has given 12 lakh (4 lakhs each) to the three committees, this year it has increased by 25%. On behalf of the three committees and the coordination committee, Acting President Amulya Mishra thanked Chief Minister Naveen Pattnaik and Higher Education Minister Rohit Purjari.

On the other hand, Devottara Department has expressed their displeasure that the grant given to the Sital Sasti committees has not been received yet. Last year, even the jatra grant was not given. So Mr. Mishra demanded to pay it soon.

On the other hand, thursday Sital Sasti Jatra Coordinating Committee and the workers of the three districts met MLAs Pranab Prakash Das (Babi) and Devi Mishra in Jharsuguda, they requested the government to provide special funds and grants to organize the Sital Sasti Jatra and informed the government that they will make efforts to sanction the creative fund. Mr. Das and Mr. Mishra gave their pledges in the delegation including Amulya Mishra, Executive President, Nandpada President Prashant Barei, Jharduapada President Saroj Dalpat, Modipada President Jagdish Mishra, including Sushant Purohit, Sunil Das, Partha Sarathi Mishra, Himshu Panigrahi, Rajiv, Gopal Pruseth. Sambalpur district BJD president Siddharth Das was present along with the committee members.

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