Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: There is no Peace even after Death; Rajghat Faces Wood Shortage, Gas Crematorium Non-Operational

Throughout life, people struggle to find peace. However, even after death, the deceased are not given the respect they deserve. This is due to a shortage of wood at Rajghat, which is necessary for the cremation process. The families of the deceased are facing numerous difficulties in the extreme heat as the gas crematorium is not functioning. The Sambalpur Municipal Corporation authorities are being blamed for this situation, but they attribute the issue to the election code of conduct. It is unfortunate that even after enduring a lifetime of hardship, a human body cannot remain at peace after death.

Sambalpur: In recent years, the Rajghat at Mandalia, which is under the management of the Sambalpur Municipal Corporation, has been in a state of disarray when it comes to cremation. The families of the deceased are particularly affected by the lack of wood. Due to the intense heat and the unavailability of wood at Rajghat, they are forced to visit various wood depots across the city. Despite numerous complaints, the Sambalpur Municipal Corporation authorities have failed to address the issue, leading to growing public dissatisfaction.

The Municipal Corporation, in collaboration with the Forest Department, is responsible for providing wood for cremation. However, due to administrative errors by the Municipal Corporation, there has been a shortage of wood at cremation centers for several years. This has caused immense difficulties for the families of the deceased, who are left running to different parts of the city in search of wood for cremation.

Meanwhile, other family members are left waiting at the Rajghat for hours. In an effort to address the wood scarcity, the Municipal Corporation installed an electric crematorium at the Rajghat in Kamalibazar a few years ago. However, it became inactive after just a few days. As a result, on 29.10.2019, the residents of the city blocked the ring road to protest against the arbitrary actions of the municipal authorities, but their efforts failed to rouse the authorities from their slumber.

A new Rajghat was constructed on the bank of the river in Mandalia when the renovation work of Ma Samalswari temple began, and it has been operational since 2023. Despite having the capacity for 18 cremations, currently, only 9 are in use. The shortage of wood required for cremation persists, just as it did before. Although the authorities have been repeatedly urged to address this issue, no progress has been made so far.

Last Thursday, amid this situation, more than 10 dead bodies arrived at the Rajghat for cremation. The families of the deceased had to wait for hours due to the lack of wood and adequate facilities. Eventually, some of the bodies were taken away and cremated in Burla. The Municipal Corporation authorities had announced that gas crematoriums would be installed at the newly constructed Rajghat, but this has not been implemented to date, causing further inconvenience to the families of the deceased.

When asked about the situation, Municipal Corporation Commissioner Ved Bhushan stated that OFDC supplies wood to Rajghat through their vendor and that he had not noticed any issues with the wood supply. He assured that if any problems are identified, they will be investigated, and necessary action will be taken. The Commissioner also mentioned that the work on the gas crematorium is in its final stages but has been slightly delayed due to election restrictions. He assured that it will be operational soon.

The Commissioner further explained that once the gas crematorium is functional, it will reduce the time and cost associated with traditional wood cremation. Additionally, the area where wood cremation is currently being performed is undergoing redevelopment, and an iron fence is being installed. Presently, around 4 quintals of wood are used for each cremation, but after the redevelopment work, only 3 quintals will be required, saving both time and money for the people.

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