Sambalpur: Tourist season arrives, the crowds of tourists throng the Hirakud Dam, People are enjoying picnic with boating

Burla: The tourist season has arrived. Thousands of tourists are partying on the banks of the dam on Sundays. Tourists are enjoying not only doing picnic but also boating. But it is alleged that people who come with their families do not feel safe here because people drink alcohol excessively. At least during the tourist season, for the safety of the tourists, there is a demand to restrict the consumption of alcohol.
Thousands of tourists come to Hirakud Dam to enjoy the cold morning on the Sunday holiday. Enjoy boating with the blue waters of the dam and the beautiful surroundings.
Now that November is coming to an end, most of the tourists are coming only on Sundays. Every day from the beginning of December to the month of February, there are thousands of tourists from the state and outside the state. Now the arrival of foreign birds has also started. People are enjoying it too. The important thing is that most of the tourists who come here for the picnic are accused people of drinking alcohol here. Tourists who come with their families do not feel safe due to the fear of some violence due to such alcohol consumption. In the past years, the police used to check the lanes of tourists to ban alcohol here. It was forbidden to take drugs. Even if someone was accused of drinking alcohol during a picnic, immediate action was taken against that person. But this year, although police patrolling in the dam area has been tightened, it has been seen that there has not been as much restriction on alcohol. Therefore, the general public is urged to look into this and is demanding action from the local police administration.