Sambalpur: Poor Image of health services in Vimsar, Patient’s relative turned saline stand all night

Burla: As a bed was not found, the patient was sleeping on the floor on a mat. There was saline on the hand. However, no stand was found for saline. As a result, the relative of the patient himself was standing all night holding a bottle of saline. This incident of Vimsar’s emergency department has disturbed all the places. Late last night, a young man of the Jharsuguda district was admitted to the emergency department of Burla Medical Center due to his critical condition. As no bed was available, he was laid down in the ward’s verandah and treatment was started. As the patient’s condition was critical, saline was given. A relative of the patient was seen holding the saline in his hand for long hours as stand was not found to hang the saline bottle. Even when he was not shifted to the ward at night, allegations have been made that his relative stood there holding a saline bottle all night. However, the question has now arisen as to why he was not given a saline stand despite the fact that it was readily available. There have been repeated complaints that patients who come especially at night are suffering from extreme neglect.