Sambalpur: Vimsar doctor’s lure of power, Reluctant to leave even after the end of the period!

Burla: Vimsar doctor’s lure of power is now the talk of the town. It is alleged that the doctor did not want to leave the post even after the completion of his 3-year tenure. Such allegations have been made against Vimsar Vice Chancellor Prof. Bhabagrahi Rath, Now Prof. Rath is the Vice Chancellor along with the Head of the Department of Pharmacology.
The term of office of the Chancellor is 3 years. He has been on the post of Vimsar Chancellor since 2020. His 3-year tenure is over. However, no one is being hired in his place. As per the Vimsar Statute and NMC guidelines, there is an emphasis on holding one position. There has been dissatisfaction in the doctor’s quarters as Professor Rath has been in two administrative posts.
As per the Vimsar Statute, both the DPC and recruitment functions are conducted by the Chancellor. However, he has been telling the doctors that he is overworked, but he has not left the post because Vimsar has not hired anyone else. On the contrary, the DPC and recruitment process is hampered.
Vimsar Superintendent Prof. Lalmohan Naik was asked to become the Head of the Department while he was working in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. However, he set an example by refusing to become the head of the department as he held the position of superintendent.
After him, Chairman Professor Jayashree Dora simultaneously held the responsibilities of Head and Chairman of the Department of Ophthalmology. After questions were raised about this, she stepped down from the post of the head of the eye department and is only performing the duties of the chairperson.
The Professor is also in a morally sound position and discharges his responsibilities without being burdened and can execute the work effectively, said the doctor’s place. On the contrary, Dr. Rath, when asked in this regard, indirectly admitted to being burdened, but refused to respond at all.
On the other hand, after asking Dr. Jayashree Dora, the head of Vimsar, she asked to ask the director of Vimsar, on the other hand, the response of the instructor Prof. Rajanish Tudu could not be obtained as communication was not possible despite repeated calls.