Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: White poison (brown sugar) has spread its net in Sambalpur: Police failed to catch the culprits

Sambalpur: The number of crimes in Sambalpur city is increasing every year. While the law and order situation in the city is in disorder state, many times the criminals openly challenge the police. While the Sambalpur police are failing in crime control, they are unable to stop the drug trade which is the source of crime.

Among these, brown sugar trade is increasing in the city. The police are on alert when this business is taking place all over the city. Brown sugar smugglers are expanding their business by targeting college and university students. This white poison is being sold in Deer Park Road, Budharaja Hills, Panthnivas Road, Burla, Hirakud etc. in Sambalpur city. Before 2020, Sambalpur district was completely brown sugar free. Since 2020, multiple brown sugars have been seized from the city. But so far the police have failed to get to the root of it and catch the real culprits. Concerns are being expressed in various quarters. Even the police could not do anything because the mafias were cleverly doing little by little transactions. They are doing this transaction by keeping small packets inside the back cover of mobile, under the watch, hidden pockets of pants and shirts. Even the police can’t get their details. There is a general demand to the police to take decisive action to prevent such drug dealing as it is ruining the future of the students.

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