Sambalpur: Will Vimsar Get Its Own MRI Machine? Delays Despite Medical Student Demands

Sambalpur: Patients at Burla Vimsar Medical Center are increasingly concerned about delays in getting MRI facilities, as the hospital continues to lack its own machine. The issue has resulted in claims of patient harassment at private clinics that have been contracted to provide MRI services in the meantime.
For nearly two years, authorities have been working to procure their own MRI machine after relinquishing responsibilities from HLL. In the meanwhile, patients have been sent to a nearby private facility for free MRI tests. However, reports indicate that these patients are having difficulty, with allegations that private clinics prioritize their own patients, leaving those from the medical center waiting for long periods of time.
Despite assurances from medical officials that a machine would be in place by April 2023, the deadline has passed, and patients are still waiting for the MRI machine. The lack of precise information about when the machine will be ready has only increased the frustration of both patients and medical students.
The Medical Students Union has planned protests to demand the immediate installation of MRI equipment at Vimsar. Discussions with officials have produced little progress, leaving patients and students disappointed.
Transporting severely ill patients to private clinics for MRI scans has become logistically difficult, worsening the situation. Previous disputes between medical students and officials highlight the importance of resolving the issue.
As dissatisfaction develops, patients and medical students continue to demand for enhanced MRI facilities at Burla Vimsar Medical Center, highlighting the vital need for fast and accessible healthcare services.