Sambalpur: Hirakud ropeway price increased again: all have to pay 80 rupees per ticket

Sambalpur: Running at a loss Hirakud Ropeway. The Sambalpur Metropolitan Corporation (SMC) has to spend lakhs of rupees from its own funds for maintenance. Due to this, the price of Hirakud Ropeway has increased for the second time this year. Last July, the ropeway fee was increased by Rs. 10 to Rs. 70 and in December, it was increased by Rs. 10 again. SMC has informed us about this. According to the information, one has to pay 80 rupees (both ways) to go on the ropeway. The ropeway was to be financed from the MCL CSR fund for the first 3 years. But as the money is not coming from the CSR fund, the SMC is bearing it on its own, said Commissioner Pradeep Kumar Sahu. The team that comes to inspect the ropeway has to pay only Rs 3 lakh per year. The SMC commissioner said that while a lot of money is being spent on the maintenance of the ropeway, it is running at a loss. He said that the increased rates will be implemented from Wednesday. On the other hand, there is a lot of interest among the tourists in the ropeway. Last Sunday, the maximum number of 856 people enjoyed the ropeway during this tourist season. This number is likely to increase further. According to SMC, it has been more than 3 years since the ropeway was started. However, this service was temporarily closed due to covid. So far, more than 2 lakh tourists have traveled on the Hirakud Ropeway.