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Six houses and Bhagwat Mandap were demolished in, residents who filed a case are now homeless

The houses of Six families were demolished on Tuesday among the displaced people who filed a case in the High Court. When the hearing is scheduled for the next 15th, there has been dissatisfaction among the residents of the local regarding such hasty demolition of the house. On Monday, the administration asked Alin Bagh, Shubhkant Bagh, Srikanth Bagh, Shankar Bagh, Rudramani Deep, Duryodhan Bagh, Gobind Mahanand to vacate the house. On Tuesday morning, the police and the administration reached there and first detained Alin, Shubhkant, Srikant, Shankar, Rudramani Major. Srikanth’s wife was pregnant and did not leave the house. However, even though it was not time, the medical team was called and he was taken to the hospital. Allin’s family along with their furniture were taken to Samalswari College, Shubhkant and Srikanth’s families to Binakhandi, Duryodhan and Govind’s families to Ward Office in Bangalipada, Badabazar. Then bulldozers were driven over everyone’s house. Of the above residents, Shankar’s house is the only one that has not been demolished. Similarly, the idol of Radhakrishna from the nearby Bhagavat Gudi (Krishnaguru Mandap) was placed near the Shiva temple and it was also demolished. During the evacuation, the entire area was cordoned off by the police and no one was allowed inside. A large number of officers and employees of the police, metropolitan and district administrations were present. It is alleged that the evicted on Tuesday were forcibly evicted despite filing a case against the administration’s proposal. On the other hand, the monks of Ghunughutipadaa Mahima Matha, who were evicted last month, are still staying in that Bangalipada shelter. No arrangements have been made by the administration for their rehabilitation

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