Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Soil Mafia Rules in Hirakud; Soil Theft Under Cover of Darkness at Nua Jamada, Government Loses Lakhs in Revenue

Sambalpur: Hirakud is currently grappling with a significant issue: soil theft. Thieves are targeting vacant government lands across the city and stealing soil. As per government regulations, taking soil from any location requires official permission and payment of revenue. The authorities identify the site, and additional approval is mandatory if the quantity exceeds the permitted limit. However, thieves are bypassing these rules and engaging in large-scale illegal activities.

Nighttime Theft in Nua Jamada

Recently, soil mafia has been stealing soil from Nua Jamada in Hirakud during the night. Using multiple heavy vehicles, they excavate and transport soil without authorization. In August, following a report in a local daily about soil theft along the Mahanadi River, the activity temporarily ceased. However, these illegal operations resumed shortly after, with the mafia becoming active again.

Role of Industrial Modernization

Industries play a key role in this issue as modernization requires significant quantities of soil. Although industries are aware of the legal process, they often opt for cheaper options by hiring soil mafia. These mafia groups supply stolen soil to industries at a lower cost, allowing both parties to profit illegally. Most industries neglect verifying government permissions for the soil they purchase, resulting in significant revenue losses for the government.

Environmental and Social Impact

Soil theft causes environmental degradation, disrupts the ecosystem, and increases pollution in urban areas. Citizens and environmentalists have expressed concerns about the impact on nature and society. Contractors often target government lands, cutting down trees to excavate soil, worsening the situation.

Media Exposure and Threats

In October, large-scale soil theft from Mahanadi riverbeds was exposed, alongside reports of illegal fly ash dumping. Journalists investigating these incidents faced threats from mafia groups. A police case was registered in the Hirakud police station following these events.

Widespread Theft and Revenue Loss

Over the past four months, soil theft has been rampant in various locations, causing significant financial losses for the government. Experts estimate that illegal activities have resulted in losses worth lakhs of rupees, sparking widespread discussions among the public.

Soil theft remains a pressing issue in Hirakud, requiring stringent actions to curb illegal activities and protect public resources.

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