Strict action has been taken against six students of VSSUT, Burla

Sambalpur: Authorities have taken strict action on Six students of Burla Vssut on charges of disorderly conduct and indiscipline. It has been decided to cut the grade points of the accused students. In addition, each student will be fined Rs 15,000. It has been ordered to pay the fine by the 31st of this month. In addition, the student will write an undertaking on a stamp paper and hand it over to Dean.
On December 16, a second-year student was allegedly beaten and sexually abused by some students. A complaint was lodged with the Burla police station and Vssut authorities.
The university’s disciplinary committee recommended that one of the two subjects in the seventh semester be deducted one grade point of the accused students. It has been accepted by the Chancellor. It also instructed to abide by the rules of discipline.
Such incidents are not new in Vssut. On the night of September 22, a third-year student at the Vssut Pulha Hostel was allegedly beaten by some other students. The slapped student sustained serious injuries to his face, back and hands. A disciplinary committee meeting was convened to investigate. After questioning everyone, the allegations turned out to be true. Strict action was taken in the incident. Two students were expelled from the university for two years and the other 10 students were expelled from the university for one year.