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Jagannath Temple’s Ratna Bhandar to Open on July 8th – Discover the Astonishing Wealth Inside!

ASI Superintendent Confirms Opening Date

Dr. D.B. Gardnayak, ASI Superintendent, has announced that the Shri Jagannath Temple’s Ratna Bhandar will open on July 8th.

Structural Concerns Revealed by Laser Scanning

This opening will take place the day after the Rath Yatra. Laser scanning of the Ratna Bhandar’s outer wall revealed cracks and possible water seepage, particularly as the monsoon season began. Dr. Gardnayak emphasized that the cracks could allow water into the Ratna Bhandar.

Preparations and Historical Context

He also stated that an independent and technical team would be present when the Ratna Bhandar was opened. Cracks and fallen stones were discovered during the initial opening in 2018. Prompt action is required to ensure the temple’s and the Ratna Bhandar’s safety. Following the opening, repairs will be carried out, and an independent committee has been formed to inspect and investigate Ratna Bhandar’s condition.

Inventory and Valuables of Ratna Bhandar

According to historical records, an inventory of various items in the Ratna Bhandar was conducted in 1978, while Chief Minister Nilamani Routray and Law Minister Biswabhushan Harichandan were in office. Bhagwat Dayal Sharma, the then-governor, formed a temple restoration committee, the recommendations of which have yet to be fully implemented.

The Ratna Bhandar contains gold ornaments and other valuable items, totaling 12,831 bharis (a traditional unit of measurement). In terms of silver, 22153 bharis were inventoried. One bhari is 11.66 grams, implying that the gold weighed more than 149 kilograms and the silver more than 258 kilograms. Unfortunately, 14 items could not be weighed for a variety of reasons.

Classification of Ratna Bhandars

The temple contains three Ratna Bhandars. The Chala Ratna Bhandar houses daily ritual items, whereas the outer Ratna Bhandar stores items used during festivals such as Rath Yatra and Suna Besha. Other valuable gold and silver items can be found inside the Ratna Bhandar.

Legal and Maintenance Protocols

According to temple laws, the Ratna Bhandar’s assets should be inventoried, weighed, and maintained on a regular basis. However, due to a variety of factors, no inventory has been conducted in 46 years. An earlier attempt to inspect the inner Ratna Bhandar was thwarted when the key was lost. The state government set up a commission to address this issue. A high-level committee headed by retired Supreme Court Justice Arijit Pasayat has been formed to inventory the items. Recent laser scanning revealed the presence of cracks in the Ratna Bhandar.

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