Sambalpur Local News

The state government is preparing to measure the depth and slope of the Hirakud Reservoir

The tender process has been completed at the government level and it will be implemented soon. It will be measured by bathymetric surveys based on the design, depth and water holding capacity of the dam during construction. Dam Chief Engineer Anand Chandra Sahu gave the information. Chhattisgarh’s check dams and barrages at the headwaters of the Mahanadi have reduced water flow to Hirakud. The depths are declining as Patumati collapses every year. According to a 2000 survey, the amount of water used in live storage was 17.6 percent, and the amount of water stored in reservoirs was 75.7 percent. 23.73 per cent of the reservoir was buried by Patumati. Authorities opposed the protest with all available police forces, special services and the army.

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