Sambalpur: Ramdas Panda, who is a police officer by profession sacrificed himself in social service work

Sambalpur. Blood donation, service to the needy, destitute and poor. Devoted to many causes such as the last rites of dead bodies, making public service is the purpose of life for the last almost 20 years. It is not a common thing to make an identity in the society by sacrificing your life. Taking out time from personal life in public service. Living life is like a penance. Such a young man. The one who has brought laurels to himself and Sambalpur region by his works. Did it, inspired the youth of the new generation, told social worker to be the ultimate religion. , Ramdas Panda, who is a police officer by profession. For his dedicated public service work, he has been honored by various organizations including the government, district administration, Red Cross.
According to the information, Panda sacrificed himself in social service work from a young age. Donated blood continuously in blood donation camps in the initial phase. Thereafter, after joining the Police Department, he organized blood donation camps in collaboration with various organizations. Apart from this, the last rites of the dead bodies of the unclaimed and needy were also done and in the past days in Burla Medical. Arrangements were also made for free food for the relatives of the patients.
Giving information, he said that since the year 1997 till now he has donated blood about 67 times. The idea of this came during the treatment of the father, as about 10 units of blood were used in his treatment. Due to this, I understood the need of blood donation, due to which I made blood donation the purpose of my life. In various education events including blood donation, I am making the youth aware on the above subject. I am propagating it in the zone as well as in the neighboring districts. Along with this, the last rites of the dead bodies of the abandoned and the needy are also being done regularly along with the Sambal NGO. Around 100 blood donation camps have been organized so far in association with various rituals including Sambal, Red Cross. About 6300 units of blood were collected through the said camps. Together with the Sambal, the dead bodies of about 560 abandoned and 40 poor and needy have been cremated. Arrangement of free food was started from last 5 February 22 for the relatives of the patients in Burla Medical. People from far and wide come to the said medical for treatment. The relatives of the patients are given food mainly on Sundays.
“You get peace only through social service- said Ramdas“