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Voters Are Given Diamond Rings After Voting

Voters are given diamond rings after voting. It sounds surprising but it is true. The Bhopal administration has made such an innovative effort on behalf of the Election Commission to encourage voters to increase their voting rate. The administration planned a lottery and offered attractive prizes, the first prize of which was a diamond ring.

On Tuesday, the first lottery draw was held at the Char Imli booth in Bhopal, in which Yagoz Sahu won the diamond ring. This innovative effort made the voting process exciting, and voters headed toward the polls hoping to win some great prizes in the lucky draw. “I didn’t expect to win such a big prize. I actually forgot that I had participated in the lucky draw,” said Yagoz Sahu, the winner of the Diamond ring.

Along with Mr. Sahu, Premwati Kushwaha, Ayan Khan, and Chaya Saini also won Diamond rings by voting in different booths. This strategy was devised to deal with low voter participation in the first two phases of Madhya Pradesh’s Lok Sabha elections, which saw a decline in voter turnout. In the first two phases, the voter turnout in the state fell by 8.5 percent. Bhopal had the lowest turnout in its history. So, this lottery was planned to promote the upcoming polls.

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