Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Yesterday’s Ceiling, Today’s Roof Collapsed; Another Incident in Vimsar, Patients & People Injured

Sambalpur: Another incident has been reported at Vimsar today, following a ceiling collapse in the CT scan room two days ago. A section of the ceiling in the kidney disease department collapsed, injuring a patient’s head and causing a severe foot injury to a relative.

Incident Details

Jagan Bhoi, a kidney disease patient, went to the department with his relative, Sarat Bhoi, around 11 a.m. today. While walking towards the kidney department’s outpatient area near the old ICU, a large chunk of cement fell from the ceiling, directly hitting Jagan’s head. This resulted in severe bleeding and head injuries. Sarat, who was accompanying him, was also injured when debris struck his foot, causing it to fracture.

Immediate Medical Response

The medical staff immediately transported Jagan and Sarat to the casualty department instead of the kidney department for emergency treatment. Doctors gave Jagan stitches to his head and provided Sarat with preliminary treatment for his foot injury. After treatment, the hospital discharged both patients and sent them home. Due to his head injury, Jagan was unable to continue his kidney disease treatment.

Recent Similar Incident

Last Sunday, a ceiling collapsed in the CT scan room as a patient’s body was being scanned. Quick action to turn off the machine avoided a major accident and saved the patient’s life. This repeated incident today in the kidney department has sparked widespread criticism.

Critical Observations

Several areas in the medical facility are in a dilapidated condition, including ceilings and walls, raising questions about the maintenance and safety protocols. The repeated incidents of structural failure have caused significant concern among patients and their families. The administration faces increasing scrutiny and demands for immediate repairs to prevent further accidents.

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