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Fertilizer ‘healing; Many medications have not expired

Jharsuguda : It is clearly stated in the hospital’s “not for sale supply” that drugs are meant to be discarded before they expire. This is because the Jharsuguda Sadar sub-district has a lot of government medicine piled up near the village. It is said, “Sarkar ka mal dariya mein tan.” The Jharsuguda District Health Department has made this devotion a reality. Millions of dollars worth of medicines have been piled up on the side of the road, where patients have to buy drugs from out-of-state drug stores. Not only the piles, but also many unused injections and other environmentally hazardous medical supplies have been found to be burning during the piles. Debananda Barik, a social worker, strongly criticized the move, saying it was “extremely dangerous” for the environment. Without using many drugs. It has been lying dormant for years and is finally being thrown away. As a rule, Impression CC and certain medications should be processed in a specific manner in medical management. Authorities opposed the protest with all available police forces, special services and the army, “said Roni Bar-On, a Member of the Knesset for Kadima. If you are doing it for someone else’s sake. “If the medicine is not used in hospitals, it could be used in health camps in various rural areas,” he said. The pesticides in the pile contain antibiotics, paracetamol, vitamin B, ORS powder, ornamental spirits, and newborns. “People are running out of money to buy medicine, elaine and medical supplies where necessary.” However, it cannot be used here. Such incidents have exacerbated the rude attitude of the district health department. Although similar incidents have already taken place in the district, his investigation is still under pressure. Such a greedy attitude of the departmental staff in the area of ​​the health minister in his own area is generally disliked.

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