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A Muslim girl converted to Hinduism

The whole family is Muslim But the girl’s mind want to be Hindu. Even girl’s stubbornness she wants to be Hindu and married a hindu man. The family surrendered to the girl’s insistence. In the end, the girl became a Hindu from a Muslim. Saina Banu, daughter of Paikmal village in Bargarh district. As a child, she was attracted to Hinduism. Growing up, she wants to marry a Hindu guy. But the obstacle was the religion, so he pacify the family people and eventually tried to become Hindu. For this, she appealed to the Arya Samaj. The process of conversion began today with the permission of the Aryan Samaj administration. The burnt offering was performed at the Arya Bhavan. Saina Banu changed to Sonam Arya. Everything was done in the presence of Arya Samaj and Hind Jagaran Manch officials. Sonam said she converted to Hinduism on her own without any pressure.

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