Sambalpur: Construction of road from Fatak to Ainthapali, Weird Contractor and weird engineer, Cut down the old tree and left the small tube well

Sambalpur: Rs 3.5 crore work. Pichu road and drain were to be constructed. Instead of making a high-quality road, now there is an attempt to loot money by doing low-quality work. Many Years old trees were cut down to widen the road. But the dangerous tubewell near the Budharaja petrol pump was abandoned. The road has been constructed excluding the tubewell area adjacent to the road about which now there is a discussion in the city about “strange contractors with strange engineer”.
Neelam, a young woman living in Sakhipada, said, “The huge trees on the side of the Fatak road from Ainthapali were cut and cleared. Sambalpur East Division-1 did not even think about cutting hundreds of years old trees. Trees were cut down in haste in the name of road construction. Instead of being removed, now a strange situation has been observed, leaving a tube well near the Budharaja petrol pump in a dangerous condition. They have already punched out the pipe part. The first and second layers had already been crushed which surprised everyone. People are laughing at the weirdness of the contractors and the engineers. The vision of the SDO and the surveyor who passed this road work has also shocked everyone. We will make the road fully. Half the work is now done. Everything will work ahead. The public is not able to accept this statement of SDO easily. If 2 levels have already been done, what will happen next? Even if it works, it will be strong, right? Because, when working at one time, the Pichu is properly sealed which is stronger and longer lasting. Because the ‘pothole’ that is being made is in danger of being destroyed within a few days. It is alleged that it can be seen in some places.