Sambalpur: Helping hand to Sujit, a hawker who met with a road accident, Advanced treatment is going on at AIIMS

Maneswar: Newspaper hawker Prabhakar Pujari alias Sujit (25) who was met with a road accident near Sadar Thana Maneshwar traffic intersection yesterday, has been admitted to AIIMS Hospital in Bhubaneswar. There has been a slight improvement in health since this morning. Injured left leg (below the knee) is being treated with plastic surgery. For Sujit’s related medical expenses, the youth of Maneswar region extended their hand of financial support. They are providing support by collecting money from various public figures.
Sujit is a resident of Sadar Thana Sindurpank village. From childhood, his father died.. Due to his poor and homeless family, he worked as a newspaper delivery boy from the age of 12 and study at school. He only have his widowed mother Ratnamanjari and younger brother Ajit (17)in the family. Sujit was working as a newspaper distributor and a drinking water supply operator in Maneshwar to support his family. Sujit’s family is shocked by the accident.