Sambalpur: INTACH released portrait of the Sambalpur king, Sambalpuri cultural tradition was listed

Sambalpur: Natraj Sambalpur chapter has published the picture of King Maharaj Sai of Sambalpur. It also lists detailed information about Sambalpuri language and cultural traditions in Delhi. Sambalpur disaster happened in 1849 in British Empire due to lack of successor As all the papers of the Darbar were taken elsewhere, no picture of the King of Sambalpur is available. Intak requested artist Manoj Choudhury to paint Maharaj Sai. For this, a Painting of 1825 was given to him. A portrait of Maharaj Sai was unveiled today in a meeting of Natraj Chaired by Pra.Tarini Prasad Panda. Artist Manoj Kumar Chowdhury was felicitated on this occasion. Many elements of the Sambalpuri language and culture have been listed under the cultural heritage category by the Natraj Sambalpur Chapter at Natraj, headquarters in Delhi. History lovers, researchers, students of the entire country can be informed in this regard. Sam,balpuri language and literature, Dhagadhamali and Daika, Sam,balpuri musical style and variety of rhythms, Traditional songs like Kanden song, Haliya song, Dhunkel, Maleshi, Dance in Dalkhai, Rasarkeli, Nachnia, Dula Naach, Sanchar, Sama, Shod dance, Huma Bouli, Chichi – Lo-Thalai, Gaud Badi has detailed information about Dudd and Subrilila in Loknataka tradition. There are also detailed descriptions of Sambali handicrafts, Sambali traditional jewellery, Guden or Gudni. There is a special discussion about festivals such as Samwalashti, Dhanu Yatra, Boyal Yatra, Yugar Yatra, Nag Bacha, Thuba Sahitij Paramra Hela Talizul Nuunkhar, Pushpuni, Pura Nnaas, Po Jutia, Bhai Jutia, Karma Eleni etc. According to the traditional diet, 34 types of vegetables and 6 types of edible flowers are included. There are also descriptions of special items obtained and produced in the region. This report has been prepared under the leadership of Deepak Kumar Panda. In today’s meeting, a few new members were welcomed and Intake’s future plans were discussed.