Sambalpur: Namita (30) of Sahebi village under Naktideul block is leading hundreds of women

Naktideul: Namita (30) in Sahebi village under Naktideul block. After finishing her secondary education, she got married in that village. In 2016, In 2016 due to lack of financial condition of the house, she registered her name in Om Sai Ram SSG. The women of the group used to make tools out of bamboo sticks, baskets and earn two cents. She was selected as the MBK of the Panchayat by the block administration after seeing her work ability.
She is currently leading a total of 615 women in 60 groups. Women take loans from banks and start broiler and native chicken farms, auction ponds and fish farms, and goat farms. By selling them, one group is earning 20 to 30 thousand rupees per month. Along with this, she himself keeps a Xerox machine at home and earns good money. She has established herself as an enterprising woman and has helped hundreds of women earn a living.