Sambalpur: Once again Dr. Shankar Ramchandani is in the news, 1 rupee arrangement for overnight lodging and boarding

Dr. Shankar Ramchandani, an assistant professor at Burla Vimsar, has once again come to the news by arranging a night stay for Burla patients and their families. By providing first ‘One Rupee Clinic’ and later ‘One Rupee Medicine’ for the poor and helpless patients, Dr. Ramchandani has become a popular figure across the country. Dr. Ramchandani has been providing medical care to patients at various times. At his own expenses he also arrange food and drink, expensive drugs for the helpless patients. Dr. Ramchandani has introduced a One Rupee accommodation system for overnight stay if the poor and helpless patients from outside cannot go at night while the patients are being served in this One Rupee clinic in the morning and evening. Patient care ‘Human service is God service’ said Dr. Ramchandani has introduced another system for the helpless and the poor. The One Rupee Clinic, which opened near his home, has started overnight accommodation for the poor and helpless patients who come to Burla and are unable to return home at night.
Yesterday, a patient from far Chhattisgarh was rushed to Burla Vimsar Hospital for treatment. Since it was night, he could no longer get a bus to return home. So the patient was arranging to sleep on the hospital Verandah. Realizing this, Dr. Ramchandani is said to have taken the patient to his One Rupee clinic for overnight accommodation and dinner. As a result, patients from outside the state were happy to receive such services and praised the great work of the doctors.
Dr. Ramchadani’s great deeds are being praised in various places of the country.