Sambalpur : Premier Football League, United FC Sambalpur, and Pratibha CCCC match draw.

Sambalpur : The semi-finals of the Sambalpur Premier Football League have been finalized at the VSS Stadium. The AGF will face the BFC Warriors of Sambalpur in the first semi-final on Monday. In the second semifinal, the United AFC and the Avar Tigers will face off. The first of the two league matches played on Sunday was a 2-2 draw between United FC Sambalpur and Pratibha CCCC. Rarghunath Marandi was named Man of the Match. In the last league match, the Sambalpur Warriors and the GT Warriors canceled the match and shared the points due to late reporting. Umesh Barma and Prithviraj Behera joined as guests. Shivshankar Panda, Pradeepta Nayak, Debashis Bagh, Dilip Raut officiated the match. Durgamadhav Naik was the match commissioner.