Sambalpur : Shishir’s achievement ; Where he once worked as a clerk, he will now be a judge

Sambalpur: Where he once worked as a clerk, he will now be a judge. Shishir Kumar Bhoi, who was employed as a clerk in the Court of Session Judge, has received OJS. He has acquired 48 ranks for the third time. Son of Gajraj Bhoi and Chandrakant Bhoi of Bhatra village in the Sambalpur metropolitan area, Shishir Bhatra received his primary education in a government school. He completed the 8th to 10th standard in Town High School, higher secondary education and graduated from GM College. Later he completed a law course at Lajpat Rai Law College. He was applying for various positions due to financial problems. Later, in 2018, he was appointed as a junior clerk in the Bargarh District Sessions Judge’s Court. However, he continued his efforts. The hope was to achieve success in OJS. For this, he continued to study regularly. Now finally he has got this success.