Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Team of Auditors Investigate into the corruption allegations made during the financial transactions of former Chancellor Sanjiv Mittal’s time

Sambalpur: The investigation into the corruption allegations made during the controversial former Chancellor of Sambalpur University Professor Sanjiv Mittal has started. A team of Special fund auditors camped at Sambalpur University and scrutinized the financial transactions of Professor Mittal’s time.

Prof. Sanjiv Mittal, who has been in the post of honorary chancellor for four years, could not even complete half of the period i.e. 2 years. Last August 28, Prof. Mittal submitted his resignation letter to the Vice-Chancellor citing health reasons. After accepting the resignation, the head of the PG Council of the University, Prof. Anita Das, took over as the Acting Vice-Chancellor from last September.

This January, Prof. Vidhubhusan Mishra took charge as the new Chancellor. During Prof. Mittal’s tenure, fraud in the purchase of university books, awarding doctorate to businessman in felicitation program, low quantity and purity of gold in gold medals awarded to meritorious students, Transferring about Rs 29 lakh of Swachh Vidyalaya campaign fund to the bank accounts of his wife and son, then returned Rs 29 lakh in two phases during the Swachh Vidyalaya campaign, when he was found guilty of irregularities such as purchase of books and computers. However, while writing a letter to return the outstanding amount of Rs 3 lakh, he said that he had given the investment certificate to the organization that had given the grant.

A special team is conducting the audit

The Syndicate meeting decided to conduct a commemorative audit of all the activities done during his tenure. Based on the decision of the Syndicate meeting, the University requested the District Audit Officer, Sambalpur to conduct a special audit. Even though it is late, the audit has already started. 2 officers are stationed in the campus and are auditing all the financial transactions. Whether government regulations are followed during financial transactions, Is the item equal to its market value or was it bought at a higher price ? These were being checked published from trusted sources.

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