Sambalpur: Twenty-Five Years Passed, Burla Police Station Still Lacks Its Own Building
The office has become jail
The officers are in the verandah

Sambalpur: It has been 25 years since a police station was established in Burla, a crime-prone town. However, it appears that the government has forgotten about it since its inception. Despite being in operation for 25 years, the Burla police station lacks a permanent structure. The lack of proper infrastructure is causing concern in many quarters.
The Burla police station was built during the construction of the Hirakud Dam. Because it lacks its own building, the station is currently operating from an old structure beneath Kalia Dam. Due to a lack of necessary rooms, officers are performing their duties from the veranda. In the absence of a proper lock-up facility, suspects are being held in office rooms. The state government has spent crores of rupees to renovate police stations and set up model police stations in various districts. However, the important Burla police station in Sambalpur district has not received its own building or been renovated. This neglect has sparked concern among the general public.

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The primary purpose of establishing the Burla police station was to provide justice to those displaced by the Hirakud Dam while also ensuring the government’s security. The station’s responsibility grew over time with the establishment of institutions such as Vimsar, VSSUT, Sambalpur University, IIM, and Agriculture University, as well as the town’s growing population. This put more pressure on the police station to protect people’s lives and property. Despite registering at least 800 cases per year, more than any other station in the district, the Burla police station’s condition has remained unchanged, despite the fact that other stations have received regular maintenance.