Sambalpur: Vikas Concept School has been adjudged as *State 1st Rank* & *All India 6th Rank* in Best Technology Integration School under *Grand Jury India School Ranking 2022-23*

Sambalpur: In “India School Ranking- 2022-23”, Vikas Concept School has been ranked first in the state of Odisha and sixth in the country in the category of best technology-integrated school.
Similarly, in the co-educational cum residential boarding school categories, this school has been ranked State 5th Rank and No-1 school in Sambalpur.
‘Vikas The Concept School’ has been awarded for this achievement in the ‘India School Banking – 2022-23’ program organized by Education World at Leela Ambiance Hotel, Gurugram, Delhi on Wednesday.
The chairman of the Vikas group D. Murali Krishna, Managing Director G. Vaskar Rao, Executive Director D. Nageshwar Rao, and V. Srinivas, Academic Director G. Ramakrishna, Administrative Director D. Vivek, Principal Samarendra Nath Panda, Chairman of the school Manoranjan Pati, Chairman of Vikas Higher Secondary School Sanjeev Kumar Babu, Academic Officer of Vikas Sambalpur Puspita Panda congratulated all the teachers and students.