Sambalpur: Vimsar Authorities Issue Notice to Two Private Medicine Stores to Vacate Within 15 Days

Sambalpur: The Vimsar authorities have issued a notice to two private medicine stores operating within the medical premises, asking them to vacate the premises within 15 days. This action follows a High Court order and directives from the Health Secretary.
The Background: For a total of 30 years, starting in May 1992, these two pharmacies have been in operation in the Vimsar area. However, they have been running without following proper tendering procedures as the rules require. Instead, they have been renewing their tenancy year after year.
A petition was filed in the High Court to remove these private medicine stores from the medical premises. Initially, the High Court stayed the order to remove the stores based on a petition filed by the shopkeepers. However, the High Court has now ordered the removal of these private medicine stores from all medical centers.
The Notice: The chairman of Vimsar Medical Center has sent a notification (letter no. 5541 dated 26/4/2024) to the owners of Campus Medical Center and Choudhury Medical Store, following the High Court’s order and the Health Secretary’s instructions. They have 15 days from the date of the letter to leave the shops, as per the notice.
Additionally, the notice demands payment of arrears for 19 months of house rent, amounting to approximately 2,68,000 rupees (based on a monthly rent of 14,128 rupees).
The authorities have taken this action to comply with the High Court’s order and ensure the proper functioning of the medical premises.