Sambalpur: The state government has decided to include some more castes in the SEBC category list

Sambalpur: On the recommendation of the Odisha State Backward Classes Commission, the state government has decided to include some more castes in the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC) list. Badhei/Bindhani/Bindani are indicated to be included in serial number 4, Barji, Baroi in serial number 9, Shankhua Tanti (Tanti) Gola Tanti, Lajja Nibaran, Hansi Tanti/Hansi Tanti/Hansi Tanti caste in serial number 50.
Similarly, Kapadia caste has a serial number of 63, Gandhamali, Thanapati, Pandara Mali has 106, Paniyar Mali/Pandaria/Pandaria has 130, Oda Khdayat, 42, Oda/Oda Pike has 138, Yadiya Gadachi has 168 and Kalandi/Kalandi has a serial number of 186 to be involved in the SEBC list.
In this regard, a proposal (resolution) has been accepted by the State Government’s Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Tribes Development, Minorities and Backward Classes Welfare Department on the 6th. The chief administrative secretary of the state government has indicated that there is an order of the governor to publish this in the Odisha Gazette.