Sambalpur: Well done doctor!! Indian Army Doctor Helps Woman Deliver Baby In Moving Train

A doctor of the Indian Army, posted at 120 Battalion, Bhubaneswar helped a woman deliver her baby in a moving train. The mother and newborn girl are reportedly safe.
The efforts of the man in uniform, Dr Biplab Biswakeshari Mohanty are being appreciated widely. A native of Naugaon in Jagatsinghpur district Dr Mohanty joined the deputation at the MCL headquarters in Sambalpur on Thursday.
Dr Mohanty went on duty to the army hospital in Pakhamandi, Madhya Pradesh. From there, he caught the Amritsar-Vishakhapatna Hirakhanda Express from Kotni Junction at around 11:30 PM on the 2nd to return to Odisha after completing his duty.
The pregnant woman Tarabai Patel from Champa district of Chhattisgarh accompanying her husband and kin boarded the train at the Sagar railway station.
The train was about 30 km from the station when the woman’s husband pulled the chain to halt the train and the ticket collector and guard were looking for a doctor on the train.
Dr Mohanty went to attend to the pregnant and at that time, the woman was in excruciating labor pain, only the head of the baby was out, while the rest of the body was inside. The baby’s life was in danger and it would have taken more than 2 hours for the train to reach the next station. The doctor feared that if the baby was not completely removed within a minute, the baby might suffocate.
On his request, the passengers vacated the compartment and some women passengers helped convert the compartment into a makeshift delivery room. An elderly woman passenger helped Dr Mohanty in the delivery.
Dr Mohanty facilitated safe delivery of the baby after struggling for 45 minutes without medical kits and urgently required medicines.
A team led by a woman doctor and a nurse from the nearest railway hospital came to their help at the nearest station following which the couple proceeded with their journey with the newborn.