Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Diarrhea Outbreak Strikes Hirakud Town, Contaminated Water Suspected

Sambalpur: Diarrhea outbreak has hit Hirakud town in Sambalpur, with 27 people admitted to the medical center in the last three days, and 5 of them in critical condition, transferred to Burla Vimsar. The district health department blames contaminated drinking water for the outbreak. Despite three days passing, the Public Health Department (PHD) hasn’t taken any action, raising fears of the situation worsening.

The infection has spread across five areas – Gurudwarapada, Goudpada, Kalopada, New Market Colony, and Maach Pada – due to contaminated water supply. The District Chief Medical Officer has reported the issue to the District Collector, stating that the treatment plant is not adequately purifying water, leading to the spread of infection.

Drinking water samples from four locations and infected individuals have been sent to the lab for analysis. House-to-house inspections are underway, with residents advised to drink boiled water. Mobile health units are actively monitoring the situation, and an urgent meeting was held at the district headquarters.

There are concerns that the situation could escalate to levels seen during the 2014 jaundice outbreak. Allegations have surfaced regarding the mismanagement of funds for pipeline connections and treatment plants, resulting in inadequate water treatment. A senior health department official’s inspection of the Hirakuda Treatment Plant revealed only bleaching of water without proper treatment, potentially exposing users to infection.

Despite the severity of the situation in Hirakuda, the Sambalpur Public Health Department appears inactive and unresponsive to public complaints. Congress district president Jayanarayan Mishra criticized their indifference, stating that they seem oblivious even in the face of possible cholera outbreaks. A Congress team intends to visit the site to investigate further and report back to the District Collector.

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