Sambalpur Local News

Sambalpur: Sambalpur vs. Jaipur; Epic Legal Showdown Over Stale Chutney, You Won’t Believe the Court’s Final Verdict!

Sambalpur: In an important verdict by the Sambalpur Consumer Court, a Jaipur restaurant was ordered to pay substantial compensation for providing stale food to a customer from Sambalpur. The incident highlights the necessity of food safety and quality control in the hospitality industry.

The case originated on November 19th, last year, when Ajay Agrawal, a chartered accountant from the Khetrajpur region of Sambalpur, visited the Palis Suddh Sakahari Dhaba eating place in Jaipur during a trip to Rajasthan. Agarwal ordered idli, sambar, and coconut chutney, totaling Rs.420 for the lunch.

However, after tasting the chutney, Agrawal found it was stale and asked for a fresh chutney. The restaurant staff insisted that the tangy flavor was due to the presence of lemons rather than the chutney having gone bad. Despite their assurances, Agarwal ate the idli and chutney, only to suffer from severe diarrhea immediately afterward, which continued throughout his train travel back to Sambalpur.

Dissatisfied with the poor food quality and accompanying illness, Agrawal filed a suit with the Sambalpur Consumer Court, claiming irresponsibility on the part of the eating place.

Following the hearing, the court’s president, Dr. Ramakanta Shatpathi, and member Sadananda Tripathi decided in favor of the complainant. The Jaipur eating place was ordered to pay the Court Rs. 50,000 as compensation for negligence and failure to offer good service. And an extra Rs. 10,000 to Agrawal towards application fees.

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