Sambalpur: Sambalpuri Dhanujatra will be held in Sambalpur city

Sambalpur: Sambalpuri Dhanujatra will be held in Sambalpur. A planning meeting was held today at Sambadik Bhavan under the chairmanship of Kamallochan Panda to promote the Sambalpuri folk culture of Western Odisha. Sambalpuri Dhanujatra Action Committee has been formed in the meeting.
While various issues were discussed in the meeting, a unanimous proposal was accepted to focus on Sambalpuri culture in Sambalpuri Dhanujatra. It was also decided to include the folklore and folk culture of all the districts of Western Odisha in the Dhanujatra. On behalf of the action committee, Mr. Panda informed that a council will be held on the 30th of November regarding the Sambalpuri Dhanujatra.
Bablu Bagh, Jayakrishna Behera, Muktakantha Pradhan, Gunaranjan Salima, Biswajit Pradhan, Lalit Beberta, Sudhir Ranjan Bohidhar, Surya Panigarahi, Nihal Singh, Yogesh Nanda, Aditya Purohit, Rajesh Behera participated in the keynote discussion.